Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Global Institutionalization Of Financial - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Global Institutionalization Of Financial. Answer: Introduction and Overview: Globalization is restructuring and developing new technologies in every sector has bought tremendous transformations in every aspect of life. Smart technological innovation and transformation has a crucial impact on performance of organization. Innovation is the pillar of smart technological approach that focuses on establishing a competitive market. The proper concept of encouraging smart technology is implemented upon a sustainable investment plan in the human capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Abu Dhabi. UAE has planned innovation and vision 2021. The city has planned to bind technology transformation, human resource management and organizational performance. The UAE adopted the measurement tools involving the Abu Dhabi innovation index for observing progress towards adoption of smart technology (Reiche 2010). The government is arranging innovation and progression labs to get solutions to the challenges that face entities of government. All the stakeholders are going to discuss the challenges of government through the perspectives focused on solution. The aim of ICT is to offer empowerment of technological sector and empower their contribution to the UAE and Abu Dhabi growth to develop requirements and region through service to the community. Purpose of Proposal: Abu Dhabi continues to highlight itself as one of the leaders in digital transformation in the age of smart government development. The Abu Dhabi e-government supervisory committee and digital leadership team of transformation demonstrates the intention of government of Abu Dhabi in enhance momentum of development (Dhabi 2005). The improvement in government performances, optimization in delivery of service and transformation is going to make Abu Dhabi a truly smart city within 2030. The research proposal concentrates on the aspects of smart digital transformation of Abu Dhabi. Some of the purposes of the research proposal are to verify the following considerations that are- Technological orientation would have a significant positive effect on the technological improvement of Abu Dhabi government. Business performance would have a significant positive effect on the technological enhancement of Abu Dhabi government. Educational sector might have a significant positive effect on the technical upliftment of Abu Dhabi government. Information technology and space technology would have a positive effect on the technological enhancement of Abu Dhabi government. Key Research Questions: Orientation and Initiative of digital transformation received a governmental boost with the e-Government Supervisory Committee and the digital transformation leadership team meeting for reviewing and developing digital policies, projects and plans within its well-organized and clear operational framework (Almekhlafi and Almeqdadi 2010). The government has devoted considerable effort for increasing levels of e-government in United Arab Emirates. The interests and questions regarding smart technological movement of Abu Dhabi are- Do you use mobile phones? Are you regular user of computers and internet? Do you have e-mail id and account in other social networking websites? Do you fulfil your entertainment over internet? Do you search information over internet? What is the amount of average daily hours you keep yourself online? Do you enjoy the service of telecommunication service operators by the government? Are you happy with the telecommunication service provided by the government? Are you happy with the internet service facility provided by the UAE government for household purpose? Have your telecommunication services improved over past two or three years? Have your internet services improved over past two or three years? Are you associated with the governmental electronic services such as radio, television or government e-portal via internet? Which of the governmental electronic services do you like most? Is government facilitating the improvement of an intranet, LAN, WLAN or extranet? Is business being easy for smart technology over internet? Is e-learning being helpful and beneficiary for the education over internet? How many computer laboratories are present in the school of your children? What is the percentage of schools of Abu Dhabi that have internet connection? Are you frequently addicted to the e-transaction method? Is government providing enough e-zone in Abu Dhabi? How many e-zones are available Abu Dhabi cosmopolitan and suburb region? How many government computer-learning centres are available in your locality? Do you enjoy broadband facility of government? Is Abu Dhabi taking responsibilities for public sector establishment? According to e-commerce, how government keeps relation with private sectors? Do the almost every small and middle size industries have internet facilities? Should government manufacture or export the necessary tools and automobiles for making Abu Dhabi a complete smart city? Is Abu Dhabi government taking necessary measures for the prosperity of wholesale market of telecommunication tools and equipments? Relevant Literature: Application: The Abu Dhabi smart technological transformation effectively delivers a platform for government authorities leading this drive to interact and engage with major industry partners, stake-holders, local and international computing and technological experts for demonstrating trends and global practices of technology. UAE government would like to drive the digital government transformation strategy and agenda. Innovation of technology, investment, partnership, cooperation and scopes focuses the major transformation projects and initiative planning of corresponding government (Sharjah 2006). Abu Dhabi Government inaugurated the Abu Dhabi Smart Government programme and Government Data Exchange program. It would refer investment of millions of dollars in smart technologies and solutions for facilitating fast integration of government-to-government interaction and interoperability for raising productivity, increase the quality of life of end-users and strengthen the position of Abu Dhabi as an ideal investment and business destination (Harder and Gibson 2011). Information technology experts mandate to develop and operate a centralised technological platform for procurement of government. UAE government entities must use all their purchases, goods and services to be done through centralised contracts (Irvine et al. 2008). Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, augmented reality and cloud computing are transforming the approach of smart technology in UAE. The Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee (TDC) was found for encouraging, helping and supervising the enhancement of science, technology and innovation in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi in 2009. The multi-structure of Abu Dhabi science, technology and innovation is generating sustainable and vast knowledge, nicely integrated into the global ecosystem. The government policy of Abu Dhabi is engaging and inspiring youths of nation towards establishing a talent base in Science, Technology and Innovation. The consistency through all the trends is generating the rate of change by technology. The fast developing technology is predicting the trend of improved business productivity. Significantly, bigger gaps are being created for exponential enhanced technology. The current trend shows that Abu Dhabi has performance management of 85%. Different types of segments of digital fields such as analytics, Digital HR, Robotics, cognitive computing and Augmented Interface are being updated day by day. Routine appraisal systems are updating drive productivity and engagement in performance. The trade of Middle East businesses would help to move towards new thought process and innovation. Some high-tech gadgets and systems could prove that Abu Dhabi is one of the worlds most futuristic cities. They are launching most luxurious shopping malls, hotels, traffic channels, smart cities and transportations of the world. Some of the envy-inducing tech innovations are Jetpack Firefighters, Autonomous Drone Taxis, The Hotel of the Future, Real life Robo-Cop, Autonomous Police cars, Mega Solar Plants and Mobile food delivering drones. Abu Dhabi is going to be most promising navigating city in next twenty years in Middle-East Asia. Opportunities Abu Dhabi as a local data hub would join a globally wired network of developing cities and countries. A portfolio of local and regional data portals and analytics engage stakeholders and help accelerate progress across metropolitan, national and global contexts with continuously growing network of certified cities. As Abu Dhabi, look to become smarter, more sustainable and more forward, it could fulfil sustainability ambitions. The success of Abu Dhabi plan 2021 is based on holistic and follow-up approach that uses data to benchmark and inform its future. The research underlines the progress that Abu Dhabi has made its smart transformation. Therefore, the city is now commanding global attention. A regional hub for the Abu Dhabi would provide us with further momentum to carry out the strategies to turn Abu Dhabi into the smartest city of the globe. Furthermore, Abu Dhabi would help to spread success to rest of the middle-east region, leading to achieve the smart transformation. Abu Dhabi as the smart city with smart government services would make the business dealings and lives of people easier (Mezher, Dawelbait and Abbas 2012). Smart platform of centralised Abu Dhabi became one of the most connected cities in the planet. Smart Abu Dhabi 2021 invites intelligent use of information and communications technology to convert the core components of the city (McKenzie, Hs, and Schneider 1980). Abu Dhabi pulse platform transformed the changes and shifted towards smart technologies. The smart technology relies up on big data analysis and cloud computing. It is essential to have a central platform for accessing governments data that steps into the potential of artificial intelligence for spreading happiness and satisfaction among the people. Transformation in change has been identified to have both positive and negative impacts on the employees work performance and attitude (Sohl 1999). Within 2030, reliance of human on technology would generate a true partnership developing skills such as ingenuity, zeal and commercial mindset. It would bring into line with the capability of machines for bringing speed, mechanization and efficacies. The production would permit new scopes within industries and functionalities. Within that period, assistants of integrated artificial intelligence (AI) would be successful for taking care in analytical and computerized ways. Technology will not essentially substitute work forces, but the methods of resulting work would transform. Machine learning technologies would make skills of individuals and competencies searchable. According to the data of April 2015, the investments in space and communication technologies have included investments in the space data. The UAE is very interested to develop its abilities in the sector of ICT that constantly undertaking measures. The first step was generating free zones such as TwoFour54 in Abu Dhabi. The second step is to set up UAEs telecommunications regulatory authority. Until 2014, the ICT fund invested 1.6 AED billion in different projects in information and communication technology sector involving the communication and space technology. The UAE government is very keen to utilize information and technology tools to not only convey services in quick easy manner but also to deliver customised services near future. Mubadala, an Abu Dhabi government invests in a worldwide portfolio of excellent information and communications technology resources. Providing high-tech employment scopes in information technology, technology, telecoms and satellite operations, the event is praised with a conference that give a stage for developing ICT associated topics. The smart technology in Abu Dhabi develops the best processes to enhance public health by refering priority disease conditions and monitoring upliftment towards availing objectives. The 3D printing technology and strategy target to take advantage of technology for the humanity service and endorse the status of United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi as a principal hub of 3D printing technology within 2030. Nuclear science and technology are destined to make UAE approved nuclear power plants within the UAE. Challenges: Being a city of desert region, Abu Dhabi is facing challenges for manufacturing the industrial automobiles. The scarcity of raw materials in local area like iron, copper and mica could damage the infrastructural growth and hamper the manufacturing the technological tools. Besides, Dubai is a nearby much prospered city that could throw challenges to the Abu Dhabi. Many foreign or local private authorities may be obstacles for the smart technological growth of local government. Current and emerging external factors may challenge the performance of company. High land requirements are problematic issue for smart technology of Abu Dhabi. Sometimes, limited service lines and defensive strategies of local government of Abu Dhabi are being the severe obstacles. Methodology: Investments in science, technology and research are vital priorities for the Abu Dhabi. It results innovations in smart technological field. A research methodology has two types of research methods that are qualitative and quantitative. It includes experiments, survey research, observations of participants or secondary data (Kothari 2004). Quantitative processes target to classify features, count the frequencies, establish statistical hypothesis, create statistical models, analyse statistical data and draw conclusion by explaining observations. Conversely, qualitative methods focus for a whole, elaborated description of observations including the background of situations (Hofstede et al. 1990). We suggest proper experimental and control group for hypothesis testing (Maxwell 2008). The independent and dependent variables are to be chosen for regression analysis of quantitative data. First, we have to incorporate survey research from target population (Kumar and Phrommathed 2005). The questionnaires should involve close-ended questions and open-ended questions for collecting free response. The most broadly used strategy for gathering qualitative data is observation of participants. The responses could be tabulated as tabulated primary data. Survey and semi structured interviews are conducted for data collection. The algorithm of sample survey and model designing is followed in the below chart- Sometimes, researchers analyse data that is already gathered by others. It is a secondary data approach. The most broadly used data are collected by government agencies. The questionnaires must be developed with full appreciation of the specific respondents of various backgrounds and require to keep the phrasing easy, compact and short. However, the disadvantage of using secondary data is that researcher might not be completely informed about how the data was collected or whether there is any symmetry in the collection of data or not. The sample sizes have to be calculated by proportional allocation with 95% confidence interval. A proper sampling plan should be framed for number of defined sample sizes. The nationality, age interval should be predetermined before data analysis. We apply here the secondary research data collected from the government website of UAE. The secondary datasets of telecommunication services could be gathered from government website (https://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB/organization/telecommunication-regulatory-authority). The sectors of smart technology are UAE satellites launching, TRA statistics and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority. The secondary data is consists of the variables households with internet, households with broadband, use of frequency of everyday internet and frequency of internet use in a week. This survey primarily looked into the internet and communication technologies (ICT) indicators for indication of the closely aligned multinational ICT regulatory agencies. For primary data analysis, we have chosen a target population in the Abu Dhabi suburb area and gathered information by interview method. Actually, face-to-face interview is the primary mode used in the survey. The proper questionnaire helps to collect datasets. The data would be mainly qualitative in nature. Research study is preceded by Survey fieldwork. We could organize those data of Likert scale, build necessary graphs and plots and test the hypotheses developed from research questions. The ordinal and nominal variables are categorical in nature. Responses might develop the structure of research questions. Some of the quantitative variables are measured by descriptive, correlation, regression or t-test procedures (Marshall 1996). Outcomes: The measurement model proves the reliability and validity of the chosen variables. The both primary data (mainly qualitative data) and secondary data (quantitative data) analysis decides proper outcomes about the leading trend of smart technological background sponsored by government in Abu Dhabi. The research proposal develops the incremental technologies to adopt advanced technologies who entered the local market with new or advanced technologies. This research proposal elaborates the role of smart technology orientation in Abu Dhabi and government performance. Significant shifts in artificial intelligence and smart technological transformations in next decade would entirely reshape the future of Abu Dhabi and beyond in which human and machine would be inseparable. The progress of smart technology exposes the two acute perspectives about computers and the future. The anxiety-creating issues of technological unemployment or the view of over-optimism in technology would treat all the social and environmental drawbacks of UAE. The empowerment of human-machine partnerships would help to enrich the society of Abu Dhabi. Timescale: Task to be completed Start date End date Days involved Status Approval of the Topic 11/1/2017 11/3/2017 3 Preparing the prospectus and thesis 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 6 Designing the preliminary bibliography 11/10/2017 11/11/2017 2 Collecting the research notes 11/12/2017 11/26/2017 15 Thesis revision and preparing the research outline 11/27/2017 1/30/2017 4 Outline revision 12/1/2017 12/8/2017 8 Introduction 12/9/2017 12/12/2017 4 Preparing a rough draft 12/14/2017 12/25/2017 12 Citing the pages involved 12/26/2017 12/27/2017 2 Draft completion 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 5 Finalising the draft 1/4/2017 1/5/2017 2 Done References: Almekhlafi, A.G. and Almeqdadi, F.A., 2010. Teachers' perceptions of technology integration in the United Arab Emirates school classrooms.Journal of Educational Technology Society,13(1), p.165. Dhabi, A., 2005. United Arab Emirates.Countries and Territories of the World, p.444. Harder, E. and Gibson, J.M., 2011. The costs and benefits of large-scale solar photovoltaic power production in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.Renewable Energy,36(2), pp.789-796. Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D. and Sanders, G., 1990. Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases.Administrative science quarterly, pp.286-316. Irvine, H., 2008, June. The global institutionalization of financial reporting: The case of the United Arab Emirates. InAccounting Forum(Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 125-142). Elsevier. Kothari, C.R., 2004.Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International. Kumar, S. and Phrommathed, P., 2005.Research methodology(pp. 43-50). Springer US. Marshall, M.N., 1996. Sampling for qualitative research.Family practice,13(6), pp.522-526. Maxwell, J.A., 2008. Designing a qualitative study.The SAGE handbook of applied social research methods,2, pp.214-253. McKenzie, J.A., Hs, K.J. and Schneider, J.F., 1980. Movement of subsurface waters under the sabkha Abu Dhabi, UAE, and its relation to evaporative dolomite genesis. Mezher, T., Dawelbait, G. and Abbas, Z., 2012. Renewable energy policy options for Abu Dhabi: Drivers and barriers.Energy policy,42, pp.315-328. Reiche, D., 2010. Renewable energy policies in the Gulf countries: A case study of the carbon-neutral Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.Energy Policy,38(1), pp.378-382. Sharjah, B.O., 2006. (United Arab Emirates).Airport symbol. Sohl, T.L., 1999. Change analysis in the United Arab Emirates: an investigation of techniques.Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,65(4), pp.475-484.
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